Use of constructed coarse woody debris corridors in a clearcut by American martens (Martes americana) and their prey
The role of environmental variables and sympatric meso-carnivores on the detection and occupancy of American mink during winter
Wildlife Health Indicators and Mercury Exposure: A Case Study of River Otters (Lontra canadensis) in Central British Columbia
An assessment of the efficacy of rub stations for detection and abundance surveys of Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis)
Moose habitat selection, movement ecology, and survival
Marten population responses to accelerated salvage logging in Mountain Pine Beetle stands
Integrating Wildlife Values into Block Design
Integrating research findings into Tl’azt’en Nation’s Land Use Plan
Community-Based Environmental Monitoring Framework
Criteria and Indicators of Co-Management
Local-level criteria and indicators: an Aboriginal perspective on sustainable forest management
Historical-ecological evaluation of the long-term distribution of woodland caribou and moose in central British Columbia