Research Opportunities

The John Prince Research Forest (JPRF) is, first and foremost, a center for learning.  We welcome researchers and students to partake of the resources available to further their interest in the ecosystems of Northern BC. 

The JPRF supports research through three primary avenues:  

  1. As a facility, the JPRF provides opportunity for researchers to conduct field experiments on a diverse landscape with staff coordination and support. In addition, researchers have access to JPRF databases (including monitoring data and LiDAR inventory) which can be supported from a research station in the study area. 
  2. Second, the JPRF itself is something of an experiment.  The unique co-management structure between UNBC and Tl’azt’en Nation has initiated much research in the past and continues to evoke interesting research questions. 
  3. Third, the JPRF has an intensive internal research program.  This research takes the form of long-term trials, ecological monitoring and targeted management issues. This research often driven by Tl’azt’en interests and is typically led by JPRF staff in partnership with colleagues at UNBC, other universities, government(s), and/or industry.


Among the opportunities available to those interested, we offer:

For more information please contact:

Dexter Hodder, MSc

Director, Research and Education

John Prince Research Forest

P. O. Box 2378, Fort St. James

British Columbia, Canada, V0J 1P0
