Who We Are...
Developing innovative approaches to natural resource conservation and management that combines First Nations’ traditional and western scientific approaches to understanding the natural world, is what makes John Prince Research Forest special. Researchers from the local indigenous communities and from academic institutions join forces to examine common research questions that seek to expand their mutual understanding of environmental issues. In doing this, they come to learn and appreciate each other’s cultures, and approaches to the generation of knowledge. Students, both locally and internationally, come to the JPRF to learn about natural resources together. This land also provides the setting and focus of a series of experiential learning and research programs that have brought greater understanding around the local natural resource systems and their stewardship.
John Prince Research Forest is a unique institution, envisioned, initiated and managed cooperatively between Tl’azt’en First Nation and the University of Northern British Columbia.
The Chuzghun Resources Corporation (CRC) is the legal entity that holds the forest tenure for John Prince Research Forest and is responsible for its’ management. Half of the CRC board of director appointees are from Tl’azt’en Nation and the other half from the University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC). The Tl’azt’en Nation Chief and Council appoint their representatives bi-annually and reserve two of their positions for Keyoh Holders and a representative of Nak’azdli First Nation (appointed by Nak’azdli Chief and Council). The latter appointment is in recognition that the majority of the JPRF falls within an overlap area that was traditionally used by both Tl’azt’en and Nak’azdli First Nations. UNBC appoints their representatives from among their administrative and faculty. One of the UNBC appointments has traditionally been from outside the University and is generally individuals within the forest industry or local government. The Board of Directors are responsible for the overall direction of the research, education and operations of the JPRF and its fiscal stability. CRC is staffed with natural resource professionals that perform the daily operations with an office in Fort St. James and a research station at Tezzeron Lake, some 45km to the north.